Application of Artificial Intelligence-Based Technologies in the Healthcare Industry: Opportunities and Challenges.

Lee, DonHee; Yoon, Seong No
International journal of environmental research and public health
2021Jan ; 18 ( 1 ) :.
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Lee, DonHee - College of Business Administration, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Korea.
Yoon, Seong No - Department of Business Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, FL 32209, USA.
This study examines the current state of artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology applications and their impact on the healthcare industry. In addition to a thorough review of the literature, this study analyzed several real-world examples of AI applications in healthcare. The results indicate that major hospitals are, at present, using AI-enabled systems to augment medical staff in patient diagnosis and treatment activities for a wide range of diseases. In addition, AI systems are making an impact on improving the efficiency of nursing and managerial activities of hospitals. While AI is being embraced positively by healthcare providers, its applications provide both the utopian perspective (new opportunities) and the dystopian view (challenges to overcome). We discuss the details of those opportunities and challenges to provide a balanced view of the value of AI applications in healthcare. It is clear that rapid advances of AI and related technologies will help care providers create new value for their patients and improve the efficiency of their operational processes. Nevertheless, effective applications of AI will require effective planning and strategies to transform the entire care service and operations to reap the benefits of what technologies offer.
AI-based technology; healthcare industry; opportunities and challenges; policy and management support; real-world cases

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Áúº´Æ¯¼º(Condition Category)
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ÁßÀç¹æ¹ý(Intervention Type)
ÁßÀç¸íĪ(Intervention Name)
This study has provided some directions for effective use and management of AI; effective applications of AI will require effective planning and strategies to transform the entire care service and operations to reap the benefits of what technologies offer.
¿¬±¸ºñÁö¿ø(Fund Source)
±Ù°Å¼öÁØÆò°¡(Evidence Hierarchy)
ICD 03